adr regulations update use of electronic documents instructions in writing

The transportation of dangerous goods demands meticulous adherence to regulations outlined in the ADR (Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises Dangereuses par Route). In this guide, we explore the nuances of providing, amending, reproducing, and displaying ADR instructions in writing. Additionally, we delve into the evolving landscape of electronic documentation, highlighting its permissible use and considerations for optimal compliance.

Providing ADR Instructions in Writing:

ADR mandates the provision of written instructions to the vehicle crew, emphasising a comprehensive 4-page model. While additional pages can be incorporated, they must remain separate from the core model. Multilingual crews require instructions in a language they understand.

Amending ADR Instructions in Writing:

Modifications to written instructions are prohibited, ensuring standardised information across languages. Adding logos is acceptable in Great Britain but might pose uncertainties in other jurisdictions. Our guide advises caution for international operators.

Reproducing ADR Instructions in Writing:

In Great Britain, flexibility exists in presenting instructions—either on four separate sheets, or on two double-sided A4 sheets. The focus remains on legibility, complying with the requirement that instructions be readable and understood by the vehicle crew.

Displaying ADR Instructions in Writing:

For vehicles transporting dangerous goods, having instructions in the cab is mandatory for quick access. A thorough pre-transport check ensures crew familiarity with instruction locations.

For non-dangerous goods transport, storing instructions discreetly is recommended. If removed, timely return to the crew before engaging in dangerous goods transportation is essential.

Use of Electronic Documentation:

ADR permits electronic documentation for displaying transport details, provided the information aligns with Chapter 5.4 requirements. However, the consignor must be capable of providing a paper copy if requested.

For international journeys, a cautious approach is advised due to varying interpretations among ADR member states.

Access to Electronic Documentation:

Electronic devices, if used for documentation, should remain accessible during roadside inspections. In emergencies, quick identification of dangerous goods is crucial. PIN-locked devices may hinder compliance, emphasising the need for swift retrieval.

Equipment Requirements:

The guidance outlines equipment specifications, including drain seals, collecting containers, and shovels for specific danger labels. Commercially available spill kits often meet these requirements.

Additional Considerations:

While ADR stipulates mandatory equipment on page 4, pages 2 and 3 offer guidance. Drivers aren’t emergency responders, and additional equipment requires clear instructions and driver training.

Transporting Dangerous Goods by Rail:

The ADR guidance extends to rail transport, emphasizing consistent compliance across modes of transportation.


How Can Hibiscus Help

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Hibiscus Plc has been providing labelling solutions for the chemical and hazardous goods industries for over 40 years.

As a licensed supplier of documentation for use in the transportation of dangerous goods, we stock a full range of Dangerous Goods Declaration, Standard Shipping Notes and IATA Shippers Declaration documents. Our documentation can be supplied as Single Sheets for use in laser printers, or Four Part Tipped carbonated sets for manual completion. We can also supply copies suitable for sprocket fed printers.

Find out how we can improve your hazard communication compliance – Call us today: 0113 242 4272.