safety data sheet guide

The ECHA has updated its interactive guide on safety data sheets and exposure scenarios. The guide is intended to help suppliers and SDS recipients to compile and understand substance and use information.

The agency has fixed some minor faults and updated links. Translated versions of the guide will be corrected in coming weeks.

The guide includes examples of safety data sheets with clear descriptions and also offers useful tips and advice on what to do to promote safe chemical use and regulatory compliance.

View the ECHA Guide


hibiscus solutions

Hibiscus safety data sheet software – Prometheus, is designed specifically for the authoring and management of safety data sheets. Prometheus is our simple, flexible and cost-effective solution to the problem of creating, storing and distributing your SDSs.

Visit our website for further information or contact us for details on 0113 2424272.

Hibiscus Plc is ready to support you with the authoring of Safety Data Sheets and production of product labels to allow a smooth transition into compliance for 2020 onwards.