hibiscus plc sales office

At Hibiscus, we have always believed in the power of progress and innovation.  As the leading company in chemical labelling, we understand the importance of staying ahead of the curve and adapting to the changing needs of our customers and the environment, and we are thrilled to announce that we have recently undergone a major renovation of our factory by rejuvenating our office spaces and taken a significant step towards sustainability by installing solar panels on our roof.  This extensive undertaking not only enhances our operational efficiency but also demonstrates our dedication to environmental stewardship. 

A Facelift That Transforms

The factory renovation at Hibiscus is nothing short of extraordinary.  We have revamped every corner of our facility to create a workspace that fosters creativity, collaboration, and productivity.  From the spacious open-plan offices to the state-of-the-art demonstration rooms, we have carefully considered every aspect of design to ensure that our employees feel motivated and inspired.

Revitalising Our Offices

The Hibiscus renovation project included a complete overhaul of our offices, focusing on creating an environment that fosters creativity, teamwork, and customer engagement.  The design team at ‘Workspace Design’ carefully considered our employees’ feedback and integrated elements that promote communication and adaptability.

One exciting addition to our revitalised offices is the new Print Demo Room.  This dedicated space is open to all new and potential customers, providing them with an opportunity to experience our extensive range of print solutions firsthand. Hibiscus understands the importance of showcasing our capabilities, and the Print Demo Room allows us to display the quality and versatility of our printing and software services.

By incorporating the Print Demo Room into our office design, we have created a space that reflects our commitment to innovation and customer-centricity – here, customers can explore various print materials, finishes, and techniques whilst our knowledgeable staff is available to guide them through the print process, answering questions and offering expert advice.  We believe that this interactive experience not only showcases our print solutions but also serves as a platform for creative collaborations and idea generation, and also enhances customer satisfaction and builds stronger relationships.

In addition to the Print Demo Room, the renovated offices feature vibrant and comfortable areas for collaboration, brainstorming, and relaxation.  We have prioritised employee well-being, incorporating contemporary designs, ergonomic workstations, and ample natural lighting throughout the workspace.  This holistic approach ensures that our employees enjoy a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing workplace that aligns with our company’s values.

Harnessing the Power of Solar Energy

hibiscus plc solar panels

At Hibiscus, we are deeply committed to minimising our environmental impact and so, in line with our business sustainability goals, we have undertaken an extensive roofing project to integrate solar panels into our factory building.

Understanding the importance of transitioning to sustainable energy sources, we decided to leverage the abundant sunlight available to us which not only reduces our reliance on traditional energy sources but also positions us as a leader in renewable energy adoption within our industry.

The integration of solar panels enables us to generate clean energy, resulting in reduced electricity bills and the stabilisation of our electricity costs over the long term.

Embracing a New Chapter of Growth

The installation of solar panels at Hibiscus represent a significant milestone in our sustainability journey and by embracing solar energy, we are proud to be at the forefront of environmentally conscious manufacturing practices.

The decision to renovate our factory was driven by our commitment to providing our employees with a conducive and inspiring work environment.  We recognized the need to create a space that fosters collaboration, productivity, and overall well-being.  By investing in the renovation project, we aimed to enhance both the functionality and aesthetics of the Hibiscus workspace.

Looking Towards a Bright Future

The extensive factory renovation marks a significant milestone in Hibiscus’s journey towards sustainability and we firmly believe that every step we take towards minimising our environmental impact makes a genuine difference.

In recognition of our efforts, we are proud to hold the rare accreditation of ISO14001 Environmental Management, which is a significant achievement for a manufacturer of products of our nature.  This prestigious accreditation supports organisations in identifying, managing, monitoring and controlling environmental processes and highlights our commitment to minimising our environmental impact and ensuring sustainable practices throughout our operations.

As Hibiscus moves forward, we remain committed to investing in innovative technologies and sustainable initiatives and will continue to explore ways to reduce waste, conserve resources, and positively contribute to the communities in which we operate.