hazardous waste label, hazardous waste labels, hazardous waste labelling

Hibiscus Plc has been been manufacturing labels, and labelling software, for the hazardous waste industry for over 40 years.

The hazardous waste label is covered by various regulations in the UK. These regulations require that the producer of the waste disposes of it accordingly, ensuring that the correct labelling and paper work are completed prior to transferring the waste to an authorised waste contractor for transport, and eventual disposal to an authorised site.

What is hazardous waste

Hazardous waste is defined in the European Waste Catalogue and the List Of Waste Regulations. There are other ways a waste can be defined as hazardous (eg If the Secretary of State says it is, or if it is classified as hazardous in other legislation, such as that controlling asbestos disposal), but for the great majority of wastes we can rely on the List of Wastes and the European Waste Catalogue (EWC) and its appropriate codes.

Hazardous Waste Regulations

Legal requirements applicable to the classification, packaging, labelling, loading, stowage, placarding, documentation and transport of hazardous substances apply as much to hazardous wastes as they do to pure chemical substances.

The regulations covering hazardous waste in the UK are:

  • The Hazardous Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2005
  • The Hazardous Waste (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2005
  • The Special Waste Regulations 1996.

The UK Hazardous Waste Regulations, which came into force in July 2005, set out the regime for the control and tracking of hazardous waste in the UK.  Under these Regulations, a process of registration of hazardous waste producers and a new system for recording the movement of waste was introduced.

The European Waste Catalogue

The European Waste Catalogue (EWC) is a list of waste types, established by the European Commission.

The EWC is divided into 20 chapters that refer either to a process that produced the waste, or to specific waste types.

All waste must be described using a six-digit EWC code that classifies and describes the type of waste – the first two digits specify the chapter, the next two specify the subchapter, and the last two are specific to the waste type.

The EWC Codes are as specified in the List Of Waste Regulations. 

Labelling Hazardous Waste

If you are a small, or large quantity generator of hazardous waste, you will need to comply with legal requirements—and an integral step in that process is ensuring that you properly mark and label all containers.

There is no standard hazardous waste marking format, but the UK waste regulations provide specific regulatory guidelines on this issue.

Adequate hazardous waste labelling is required by law and is necessary both to inform potential handlers of the risks and to ensure that non-compatible materials are not stored or transported together.

Each waste container must be labelled at the point of production to indicate that it is hazardous waste.

Hazardous waste labels must include the following:

  • The type of material
  • Its hazardous properties (HP Code)
  • The EWC code, where applicable
  • The quantity
  • The date that the waste was generated or placed in storage
  • The producer’s contact details (name, telephone number, address, email etc)


hazardous waste label


Links to Relevant Legislation


Hibiscus has been producing labels for hazardous substances for over 40 years.

If you would like assistance with labelling and marking, or need further information, contact us on 0113 242 4272.  

Email: Enquiries@hibiscus-plc.com

If you’re looking to print your own hazardous waste labels, we can provide the best Hazardous Waste Labelling Software, Laser Sheet Labels and BS5609 Compliant Printers to enable you to print in-house and on-demand.