go sober for october

Hibiscus has signed up to be ‘SoberHeros’ for 31 days in October and we’re saying no to booze and yes to raising money for people living with cancer.

By signing up for the challenge, we’re helping raise funds to change peoples lives and all the money raised by Hibiscus will help Macmillan to provide vital healthcare and support even more people facing cancer.

Team Hibiscus is currently at number 4 in the leaderboard with a grand total of £320!

We’d like to thank Gary Toal and Andrew Holmes for their kind donations.

If you’d like to take part by donating to Hibiscus, you can donate on our team page: https://www.gosober.org.uk/teams/team-hibiscus

If you’d like to sign up to be a SoberHero yourself, or want further information, visit https://www.gosober.org.uk