new vintage silkscreen press at hibiscus

Hibiscus has just received a substantial addition to our manufacturing arsenal – a classic but incredibly reliable Svecia Silkscreen Press!

This printing equipment might be from a bygone era, but it packs a punch when it comes to precision and durability.  Our new, old Svecia press is an absolute gem, and a perfect fit for our mission of delivering top-notch solutions for the chemical industry, especially when it comes to high-quality, large-format, short-run labelling.

Why a new old press?

Here are a few reasons why we are so excited about this new addition:

✅ Tried and True: This Silkscreen Press is a testament to enduring quality and reliability.  It may be older, but its track record speaks for itself. It has stood the test of time, consistently producing high-quality print runs.

✅ Precision: This press boasts unmatched precision, ensuring our short run labels meet the highest industry standards.

  Durability: Built to last, this equipment can handle the toughest printing tasks without breaking a sweat.

  Expertise: Our talented team is well-versed in operating this machinery, ensuring top-notch results every time.

✅ Sustainable Solutions: Sustainability is at the core of our operations, and this equipment aligns perfectly with our commitment to reduce waste and our environmental impact – reuse, repair and recycle!

new vintage silkscreen press at hibiscus

As we continue to evolve and grow, it’s essential that we adapt to meet the diverse needs of our clients in the chemical industry.  With this new addition, we’re confident in our ability to deliver top-quality labels that meet all regulatory requirements using the best printing solutions available.

From solar panels last month, to a vintage press today –our evolution at Hibiscus reflects both sustainability and tradition – a fusion of modern sustainability and enduring craftsmanship.