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Chemical Label Software – Created by Hibiscus Plc.

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Chemical Label Software -Label Enterprise

Hibsoft Label Enterprise is the one-stop solution for advanced chemical label production, fully supporting GHS /CLP formats.

Label Enterprise is the perfect solution for creating and printing GHS compliant labels for all major commercial markets. It offers chemical manufacturers and distributors a convenient, automated and accurate tool for meeting global chemical labelling requirements.

Enterprise is purposely developed for designing and printing labels for hazardous goods and enables your company to keep abreast of the latest regulatory changes. It allows you to place the required international phrases, pictograms, text, branding and barcodes onto your labels in compliance with chemical industry regulations.

HibSoft Label Enterprise allows you to merge the same substance information with any number of different template styles to satisfy all of your labelling needs – from lab samples to bottles, drums and IBC’s. You can even save these combinations to quickly reproduce those labels at a later date.

Chemical Label Software - design[/zilla_column][zilla_column column=”one-half” last=”true”] hibsoft enterprise - Chemical Label Software


Label Enterprise can produce: Carriage Labels (commonly referred to as Transport Labels); Supply Labels, in multiple languages, to identify your product and provide the end user with appropriate hazard, risk and safety information; and Combination Labels, combining all relevant Carriage/Supply details including warning diamonds, GHS symbols, Hazard & Precautionary phrases etc.

Unlike some other chemical label software systems, HibSoft Label Enterprise has no output or usage restrictions and is designed to work with any standard Windows compatible printer (Windows printer driver required) to quickly and easily produce Carriage, Supply, Janitorial and a wide range of other labels and document types.

Quick and easy to use, the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) style interface allows you to preview the appearance of your labels on screen before you commit to print.

PDF of this information for Enterprise is available here…

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Label Enterprise is designed as a set of modules so that you can easily control who has access to which types of operations (ie. creating substance data, designing templates etc.), as well as ensuring that the primary functions (e.g. printing labels) remain simple to use for your least skilled operators.


Label Enterprise stores its substance data in a customisable database that allows you to add your own additional fields to expand the information you wish to record about your products. Alternatively, it can pull in additional information about your substances directly from an external database or even a spreadsheet or other compatible software system.


Label Enterprise can produce hazard labels by importing information directly from a compatible Safety Data Sheet system. Importing labelling information from your pre-existing SDS system eliminates the need to maintain two databases, and a real-time link ensures that your labels are always perfectly synchronised with your Safety Data Sheets. Currently, optional modules are available to link HibSoft Label Enterprise with HibSoft Prometheus and/or Lexeus SafeTEXT. For information on linking to other SDS software, please contact us for details.


Label Enterprise can print labels in full colour, ie. including red GHS symbol borders and coloured backgrounds to warning diamonds etc. (requires suitable colour printer). Alternatively, if you are printing in monochrome and buying labels with pre-printed coloured backgrounds, our unique non-printing layer feature enables you to represent the label in full on the screen (ie. including the coloured backgrounds) for proofing.[/zilla_column][zilla_column column=”one-half” last=”true”]


Label Enterprise includes a comprehensive list of all standard P&H phrases in English. Simply add the phrase code to your substance to apply the corresponding phrase to your finished label. Additional languages, including the official languages of the full list of EC member states, can be added individually or as a multi-language pack.


Colour images may be incorporated into your template designs to produce labels including your own or your customer’s corporate logos or other specialist graphics. Bitmaps and EMF files can be embedded directly into your templates, whilst other image file types can be read from external files.


Label Enterprise can optionally be supplied pre-loaded with the latest full ADR* and/or CLP* lists of ready classified substances – at no extra cost! Alternatively the easy use to use Substance Editor program and customisable database allow you to quickly set up and maintain your own unique library of chemical substances .
* Due to size, these are not supplied as standard – if required, please ask when ordering.


Our chemical label software gives you complete control over the appearance of your labels by creating an unlimited number of Label designs which are stored as templates. Templates contain information about the size, layout and contents of your label and need to be merged with a record from a substance database in order to produce a printed label. HibSoft Label Enterprise can store many different label templates to produce label designs that are appropriate to your usage. The software even allows you to store combinations of Substances and Templates as predefined labels for rapid lookup and printing. Furthermore, because these combinations are stored as references rather than as a snapshot, if the substance data or template design changes, all the relevant stored labels will change with it. You can even use Label Enterprise to create and print a variety of labels for non-chemical use (eg. Address/Barcode labels).[/zilla_column]


[zilla_column column=”one-half”]OS: Windows XP or later.
Storage: 200Mb free disk space.
Memory: 4Gb (8Gb recommended for optimum performance).
Processor: 2.0Ghz or faster (3.0Ghz recommended). [/zilla_column][zilla_column column=”one-half” last=”true”] Ancillary software requirements:-
Firebird database engine (included).
Microsoft DotNet version 4.0 or higher (version 4.0 included).
Access database engine (included).[/zilla_column]