The European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic) has recently released its Chemical Industry Report for 2018.

The Cefic Facts & Figures provides an overview of the trends in the chemical industry and the sales growth witnessed over the past year.

According to the report, the world landscape of the chemical industry is changing rapidly – China continues to dominate the world rankings and is planning an ambitious industrial policy strategy to take its chemical industry to the next stage of development.

The European chemical industry is reported to be in good shape and everything is looking ‘rosy’ in the short term. Production in the EU chemicals sector grew 0.2% from January to September 2018 compared to the same period of 2017, and consumer chemicals performed well, far outpacing all other chemicals sectors.

The figures are encouraging and, despite the anticipated industry instabilities, including Brexit, the report hints at a potential growth for 2019.

Read the full report: CIR2018

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